Published On: May 8th, 2023|By |2 min read|

The same staffing shortages affecting the business sector in early 2023 are also hitting nonprofits. Regarding current difficulties in filling vacancies and retaining staff, the National Council of Nonprofits said, “What was initially considered a challenge has now become a workforce crisis in need of immediate remedy.”

Some factors in the workforce crisis, like national economics, are outside the control of individual organizations. However, there is one straightforward and often-overlooked area in which nonprofits and businesses can make an impactful improvement: software. 

Why Software Matters

Attracting new employees is, in part, about providing an attractive place to work. Yes, they’re looking for a competitive salary, great benefits, and a mission they believe in, but candidates are also attracted to workplaces that rely on best-in-class software systems. In fact, it can be the deciding factor between multiple attractive job offers.

One reason software matters to top candidates is that better software solutions streamline everyday activities. Nobody wants to spend hours on manual, time-consuming tasks, suffering through annoying delays and difficulties with basic tasks like creating reports. In fact, those struggles can contribute to stress and burnout that leads to employee turnover.

Best-in-class software makes daily work more efficient and less frustrating for employees with advanced automations, easy integrations, intuitive dashboards, and other features. That leaves employees free to devote more of their time to higher-level, strategic tasks that are personally satisfying and can further their career. 

Another significant advantage of cloud-based software solutions is that they provide anytime, anywhere access to support the hybrid and remote work opportunities many candidates are looking for. With cloud-based software, employees can enjoy the same user experience from the field and at home as they do in the office. Plus, best-in-class software offers excellent network, system-based, and data-level security capabilities to protect organizations. 

In short, best-in-class software can help businesses attract and retain top talent, while at the same time providing efficiencies that can boost productivity and help organizations achieve their mission.   

Get the support you need

Insero Talent Solutions is a recruiting firm dedicated to making the selection process easy so you can hire with confidence and get back to focusing on your priorities. Our team can leverage our software and expertise to help you find and hire better candidates in less time while also providing a great candidate experience that improves employee retention.


About the Author: Benjamin Vassallo

Ben is a senior consultant for Insero Talent Solutions, recruiting for direct hire positions including banking, sales, business development, accounting, and more. > Meet Ben


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